Friday, October 12, 2007

The labelling game

I have recently made an exciting discovery. I have learnt how to label my posts. Now I can neatly categorise each eaterie by its location, style, edibility, nationality, colour scheme, window size -- anything I like really. And that's just the problem. I am torn by indecision as to which labels I should choose and how many. Are areas (eg Islington) better than postcodes (N1) or should I have both? Should I have mood indicators? But then "casual" these days that applies to pretty much everywhere. And, as someone who once had a Valentine's Day meal in a Whetherspoons, I am probably not the best person to decide on which places are "romantic". Cuisine seems straight forward enough, but then there are so many places which are just "modern European", a label I dislike. And how do I label a post about labels?? Help!


Anonymous said...

Can you do both? Post codes AND neighborhoods? I ask because London visitors will get the postcode thing, but tourists to London--who are looking for restaurant recommendations--will not.

EdibleLondon said...

Done - thanks for the suggestion! It's time consuming, this labelling lark...