Thursday, February 07, 2008

The mind boggles...

Mostly, as you know, this blog is about restaurants. But sometimes I am so struck by some non-restaurant food or concept, that I just have to share it with you (OK, more realistically, to share it with myself in an internet context).

To cut a long story short, today I discovered that you can buy a cheeseburger burger. In a tin. Which you boil.
In the picture, this tinned, boiled burger actually looks surprisingly appetising -- with lettuce, onions, tomatoes... And at 257 calories and 3.95 euros it's not only healthy but cheap. Gastro pubs eat your heart out. Or not...

Given my experience of eating in Berlin (a boiled fillet steak comes to mind) I am not surprised that this delicacy is available from a German website.

PS If you want to expand your food-blog-reading repertoire, check out the links from the Foodie Blogroll which has now appeared in the right hand margin.


Sarah said...

Did you see Jonathan Ross actually eat one on his show last friday- rank!

EdibleLondon said...

Well, I suppose he has to earn his 6 million quid a year somehow!
Shame I missed the show - and it doesn't seem to be on youtube yet either...